15 Jul Nonprofit Resources – Did You Know…
Nonprofit Resources – Did You Know…
Shared Information Webinar:
Did you know that your nonprofit website and social media content should match the information in a grant application or sponsor proposal?
Funders, Sponsors and Major Donors visit your website and VETT your nonprofit organization by reviewing GUIDESTAR, your website and social media.
Gone are the days when funders had time to do a walk-thru of your physical site, especially if they received more than 200 applications requesting funding. Yikes!
My goal is to simply share new ways of thinking and bring new ideas to the table that HELP your nonprofit bring impactful information to both your website and social media.
Please join me on July 29th at 11:00 am for a short webinar and register below:
When: Jul 29, 2021 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: 5 Easy Steps to WIN $$$ from Donors, Grantors and Sponsors- Intro
CLICK HERE to Register in advance for this webinar
Definition of Resources:
“A stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively……an action or strategy which may be adopted in adverse circumstances.” We all need resources to do our work and help those in need in our communities.
Here are some useful ones I thought you might want to keep in your files:
- Inland Empire Nonprofit Resources – IENonprofits -used to find consultants, grant writers, funding opportunities and more…
- Academy for Grassroots Organizations – Welcome (academygo.com) – offering educational courses for nonprofit leaders and grant writers, IT support and more…
- Inland Empire Grants Collaborative is a group of professionals from the Inland Empire that meet monthly to share valuable information related to grantmaking, funding opportunities, resources and networking. If you are interested, please contact me and I will send you the membership link.
Something to think about:
When seeking grant funding it is better to have a program that is SERVING the community on a daily/weekly/monthly basis than just at an event at the end of the year. If one of your programs is only held during the holidays then funders can perceive that program as an EVENT and not an annual program and will most likely not fund. I encourage my clients to change their programs to daily/weekly/monthly programs and thus garner more grant awards, donors and sponsors.
Highlighting and Collaboration:
One of my clients close to my heart offers emergency and transitional housing for homeless and those left unsheltered in Riverside County. Project TOUCH (working together within our communities together with civil and business organizations to effectively overcome homelessness and establish effective methods of homeless prevention) currently has more than 200 beds filled by clients from all walks of life including babies and children. Providing quick access to direct benefits, a place to rest their heads, food in the cupboards, clothing and supportive services, Anne Unmacht, Executive Director, and supporting organizations work hard to care for those in need. For more information email Anne at anne@projecttouchonline.com.