22 Jul Nonprofit Resources – Something to Think About
Nonprofit Resources – Something to Think About
Nonprofit Resources:
Grant writers are constantly looking for data to include in the Statement of Need on each grant application that addresses the needs of the community people served for each geographic location. Here are some data sources to explore:
- Healthy Places Index
- io
- American Community Survey
- Kids Data
- Feeding America
Something to think about:
Oh! this last week, all I heard about was nonprofit performance outcomes. Private and government funders are getting stricter about requiring data reports of how grant monies are being spent, to include supporting documentation. Everyone is happy to get the funding check, but not always thinking about the spending report that needs to be turned in. I recommend that when your nonprofit organization receives a grant award check, that you ASK for a copy of the details of the FINAL SPENDING REPORT that will have to be turned in. That way, as your agency is rolling along carrying out the program, you are collecting the needed data, outcomes and outputs along the way, plus any supporting documentation like receipts or self-certification forms.
Mini- Informational Webinar:
Did you know that your nonprofit website and social media content should match the information in a grant application or sponsor proposal? Funders, Sponsors and Major Donors visit your website and VETT your nonprofit organization by reviewing GUIDESTAR, your website and social media. Gone are the days when funders had time to do a walk-thru of your physical site, especially if they received more than 200 applications requesting funding. Yikes!
My goal is to simply share new ways of thinking and bring new ideas to the table that HELP your nonprofit bring impactful information to both your website and social media.
Please join me on July 29th at 11:00 am for a short webinar and register below:
When: Jul 29, 2021 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: 5 Easy Steps to WIN $$$ from Donors, Grantors and Sponsors- Intro